Earths’ Haven Presents : Makoko – Shoes on their Feet


Earths’ Haven care foundation a youth led foundation which started in May and is set out to creating enterprise amongst orphans(CEO), kids with disabilities, destitute and the less privileged and is currently having its Good Will Month in September in which series of activities run through the month and one of which is the SHOES ON THEIR FEET MAKOKO..

This event took place on the 15th of September 2013 at Makoko, a slum at Adekunle. During the visit of The Earths’ Haven team to share things among the kids for the children’s day celebration in May it was observed that most of the kids didn’t have shoes or slippers on, so we decided to go back to the kids with “rubber sandals”, rubber sandals preferably because of their riverside environment and also would serve a purpose for school too.

500 sandals of different sizes for kids between 7-15 and 500 Earths’ Haven exercise books were shared out to the kids with the help of popular faces like Dammy Krane and Uti since bridging the gap between the privileged and less privileged is the main objective.

The event was a huge success as the kids had a nice time taking pictures with the celebrities as the celebrities gave them a feeling of importance to the society and showed so much love to them. We thank God for d success of the event and look forward to the rest of the event in the month.

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